Makwela hasnt been seen for 3 weeks.
We haven’t seen Makwela for 3 weeks now.
Some guides believe that she might be away giving birth outside the reserve as she has done on so many previous occassions.
We hope that she is not injured or even worse killed, but will keep you updated as soon as we know more.
I Hope she will show up with 2 cubs ,
Like Karula did gave birth to Mixo and Indula,
Karula is still teaching the 2 boys.
For Thoose who do not know.
Karula is a Female leopard with 2 cubs and is seen a lot on a webcam.
Hi there,
Thanks for letting us know..hope she is indeed safe & sound somewhere!!
Our thoughts and prayers are with her, let us hope that she soons returns to "park" new young ones on the patios for safekeeping while she hunts.
She could not wish for better Champions and Guardian Angels than your team Duncan.I know you will keep us posted
Very Best
Not the kind of news you want to hear, but fingers crossed she shows up soon, especially with her new family in tow!
I do hope she is okay.
Will keep checking here for any updates.
Oh dear! Too bad she does not have a tracking chip on her. Will think lots of good thoughts (and prayers) for her safety. As Tim says, hope you wake up one morning to find her and babies on the patio!
Hej Guys, any news so far? Hope she is all right!
Yes, I’ve been wondering too if she has turned up. I’m thinking that maybe she hasn’t, as I assumed you would have posted that all is well if she has been spotted.
I really hope she is okay and we are going to get the good news soon.