Over the last couple of months we have been having some amazing sightings of a White Impala.
Although it is not unheard of, it is very rare to see an abnormal colouring in an Impala. What makes this unique is the fact that this particular animal is not just lighter in colour than normal, it is actually snow white.
When I first heard of this animal being sighted, I was eager to get some pictures of it, as this was definitely a first for me in the twenty years I have been working in the bush. The first time I was luckily enough to see it was a very special moment, and although the picture we got is not the best, it certainly depicts the coloration abnormality to the regular colouration to the male on the right.
I know that may of our Guests over the last couple of months have been lucky enough to see this animal, so if anyone has got picture they can add to the blog, it would be much appreciated.
The biggest concern was how this young impala was going to conceal itself against predators, and we were initially not optimistic as to its chances, as it does tend to stick out in the herd and shout: “Eat Me”
However, as the months have passed, we are still getting regular sightings of it, and by all accounts it is doing just fine.
Watch this space for further updates on this very unusual little Impala?s progress.
Hi Duncan, Have you been able to acertain whether this is an Albino, or a Leucistic ? although I have never heard of this before, both used to ocassionally occur in cattle (although less common with A.I.)
OK, thanks to the photo enlargement, (which I couldn’t get originally,) obviously not an Albino, but equally intriguing are the dark markings which have been retained, which doesn’t usually happen in Leucistics, they more traditionally display "Ghost" markings in white.
Makes us wan’t to return even earlier than usual !
Hi Tim. I am not sure what we are dealing with here, as you say, not an Albino, but it is a female and it is starting to show signs of growing horns!!. Not much going its way at the moment, seems it comes from the shallow end of the gene pool. We will keep you posted.